ATTENTION: Coaches, Affiliates & Marketers

Only 15 Spots Available (6 spots left!)

Ready to Make MORE with LESS Time, Energy & Effort?

For Your  Business!

Ask yourself:

Are you tired of spending hours trying to conjure up posts that attract leads & buyers? 

Do you struggle to start conversations only for them to go nowhere or lead to prospects "ghosting" you?  

Do you find it difficult to make frequent offers as you can't steer conversations to "the question"?

Are you sick of getting "reverse-pitched" by prospects in messenger?

If you answered "YES" to any of the above, I understand WHY this happens to you.

Better still, I know HOW you can change it overnight.

If you're ready to experience breakthrough results, and lock in sales with ease...

Read on... 

What Is The Golden Birthday Offer?

What Is The Golden Birthday Offer?

As I turn 26 on the 26th June, I'm running a limited-time special offer on Post to Close 🥳

Until 11:59pm on Sunday 26th June...

You can get 26% OFF Post to Close by using your special discounted coupon code.

PLEASE NOTE: This promotion is a one-off and won't be repeated. So make sure to use the code before the deadline. 

Post to Close will never be available for this price again.

All buyers will also be placed into a prize draw to win the following prizes:

1st Place: 1-1 Deep Dive Call With Blake Fontana (45 Minutes - Value $895

2nd Place: Remarkable Tablet - Digital Notebook ($495 Value)

3rd Place: Live Interview With Blake (Priceless)

Prize draw will take place on Monday 27th June.

Good luck!


"The Post to Close process is the HEARTBEAT of my business. This workshop is my best yet!"

For Your  Business!

What is the "Post to Close" Workshop?

A 2-day live recorded workshop where I reveal my "Post to Close" sales process responsible for pulling in  ~$1,000,000 to my business in 4 years.

Who Is It For?

Anyone selling Courses, Coaching, Consulting or Digital Affiliate Products (among other things) will benefit.

If you speak to prospects or leads in your business, then this is for you. 

If you want to ignite your organic lead generation & streamline your marketing and sales process - this has the power to reduce overheads while AMPLIFYING results.

What Will You Gain?

Remove the friction, awkwardness and much of the time-consuming "legwork" involved in attracting ideal clients. Move them quickly into a sales discussion. Do less "grunt" work, while helping more people than ever before. Reduce your energy burn, recover lost hours while also increase your income and impact!
  • 3X your qualified lead pipeline
  • Simplify your lead gen process
  • ​Reduce your organic marketing effort to just 1 hour per day
  • ​​Leverage my "lead levers" that pull in hundreds of fresh leads on demand.
  • ​​Discover the 3 conversation "buyer" signals (and what to do with each using my P.I.L.O.T. process)

Here’s the low-down on what's happening right now...


2 years ago, I moved into the high-ticket organic space and was able to scale my high ticket business from $0 - $100k in less than 12 months.


Since that time, I've gone on to scale my business to over $1,000,000 over 4 years.


All while helping others smash out their first $5k months, $10k months, and 6-figure years (to name a few)

After achieving my first 6-figure year, I realized the method wasn't sustainable.


The Post to Close process was born from that struggle.


Not in the sense that I wasn't "breaking ground"…

I was.

But, I realized although the things I’d learned worked...

...they weren’t scalable... (at least not in the way I wanted)

Business felt like a chore and there were certain tasks that HAD to be done.


Or NOTHING would work.

As a result….

I was tired of spending HOURS in messenger.

And especially tired of spending hours each day on unqualified sales calls.

So I decided it was time to do something to change it.


After investing over $75,000 on coaches and mentors to help me simplify the process...

I realized I could make the process simpler still.

So I decided to test something completely different.

Rather than going into a convo with the end goal of getting a call booked and closing over the phone...

And relying on cold outreach to create sales opportunities….

I decided to pay closer attention to the signals that I saw within the conversations I was having, and dynamically test new closing strategies based on what I saw.

That was when I started to test this new "Post To Close" strategy I've been refining for the last year. 

My first test brought in $17k in just a couple of days.

No cold outreach conversations. 

No sales calls. 

Just $17k in a few days with a couple of messages and a few facebook post.

I knew I was on to something...

But what is cool is that outside of consistently taking action, it really only came down to:

  • A few strategic Facebook posts that created an influx of 100’s of qualified leads into my inbox.
  • A Simple yet effective messaging process to weed out any unqualified prospects in 5 messages or less. 
  • ​And a dynamic sales process that is fueled with qualified conversation & people that actually want to hear from you.

No more wasting time filling up your calendar with unqualified prospects & calls…

No more hustling in the DM’s to hunt down unqualified prospects that leave you at a dead end…

My "Post to Close" method allows you to make more, with less. 

So you're probably thinking to yourself...

"How can I start pulling in profits with this proven Post To Close Method?"

Well, last year – we opened up the doors on PTC 1.0 and the response was PRETTY CRAZY…

Inside this workshop, I shared the secrets behind what makes this Post-To-Close Method tick with the focus being on the 20% of activities that lead to 80% of the results

In other words, how to DO LESS, but MAKE MORE.

And when we brought this workshop to life, our goal was focused around driving our clients' results FAST.

After working closely with the live attendees from our first cohort...

In a matter of hours, we already had a few members make their investment back.

But that was just the start....

A few days later, another PTC member had their first high ticket sale EVER.

Check this out...

And here's the best part…

Not only did the attendees walk away with more clarity than ever before (and results to show for it within the first 7 days....)

30 days after the workshop, this client pulled in 4 sales using our PTC Pilot Method.

Over $6,000 profit after plugging into a proven framework that is built around capitalizing on the thousands that are unclaimed in your inbox and friends list right now.

Same with Louis. 

And same with many others…

That's the power of a proven & predictable process

So, you might be wondering what that looks like?


Ultimately, I’ll be revealing to you the 4 post types that generate leads for me ON DEMAND.

Like clockwork, I can leverage these and have an influx of prospects and leads.

It’s like suddenly gaining a SUPERPOWER

...and it's one area I see so many struggle, so there’s a good chance this includes you. Well, struggle no more.


The truth is, you don’t need 20 different post types to cycle through. These 4 are all that matter.


I’ll also be demonstrating how to craft simple lead gen posts that generate literally HUNDREDS of leads and sales. This simple framework I use reduces the amount of time and energy you need to attract the right audience.

It's the 20% of activities that drive 80% of the results.

A Hyper focused, result "machine" that's optimized, well-oiled and proven to work. 


And better still…

You’ll also discover how you can get prospects reaching out to YOU.

I get so many INBOUND leads these days, that I don’t even have to do the prospecting that so many talk about.

Now, this all brings about a new issue you’ll face....

How to talk to ALL of these leads?

Honestly, if I just handed out a calendar link, I’d be stuck till the end of the year on sales calls!

That’s not what I want and I doubt you do either, right?

So you’ll also get access to my secret weapon - my messenger script that turns HOT LEADS into BUYERS (in as little as 5 questions).

As you can see, my Post to Close sales process is jam-packed with my very own attraction marketing principles that work.

It's the "heartbeat" of my business.

If you wanna pull in your ideal prospect, move them to a sales discussion within 5 questions and towards a close (sometimes they’ll just be asking for a payment link), then you NEED to be on this workshop.

I’ve included a whole bunch of screenshots from real conversations as examples. Nothing beats a real-world example.

Sound good?

As I said, I want you there and I know this will help you massively just as it did for me and many others. 

When you click the "Get Instant Access" buttons on this page, you'll have immediate access to how my business pulls in leads and closes sales...


So you can do to it too!

Click the button below to secure your spot in under 3 minutes...

Only 15 Spots Available (LAST FEW SPOTS!...)

Only 15 Spots Available (LAST FEW SPOTS!...)

What Others Have To Say...


Live Call With Blake

Your chance to jump on a live Zoom call with me and ask questions directly.

An opportunity to gain a deeper understanding and clarify any points you want to expand on. 


Live Call With Blake & Todd

In your second live implementation session, I am bringing in our content & copywriting coach, Todd Foster. 

On this live VIP Content Session, you will gain: 

  • How one simple 15-minute practice will ensure you never stare at the blank screen again with nothing to write
  • 8 content angles guaranteed to draw out your most emotional stories.
  • ​One thing your content must NEVER be. Plus a simple concept you can apply to ensure it never is. 
  • ​And more... 


FB Stories Secrets / Story To Close

A new workshop that will walk you through my FB story method, "Story to Close". 

This is a powerful lead gen strategy. When coupled with the Post to Close process, you'll become unstoppable.


Cash Influx - $55k In 50 Days Workshop 

Unlock the first-ever untaught Facebook strategy that allowed us to generate $55k in 50 days wasting time in messenger & on calls.

The Secret 'Cash On Demand' Weapon Exclusive to the first 15 that join Post To Close 2.0 that will allows you to get PAID to drive qualified inbound leads 

This bonus course also includes:

  • The Conversion Asset Offer Creation Workbook
  • The EXACT FB Posts & 2-Week Launch Sequence 
  • T​he exact Automated Messaging flow that you can load up and start leveraging to close sales of your conversion asset asap
  • ​Step-By-Step Launch Checklist so you know exactly what to do and when to do it
  • ​A cash-generating system that you can deploy in your business over and over again to get paid to generate qualified leads and ascend them into your high ticket offer


$500 VIP Voucher

When you join PTC 2.0, you'll receive a $500 voucher that can be redeemed towards one of our higher level coaching packages. Should you wish to use this, we can help dial in your offer, marketing & sales process.

To Make This The ULTIMATE "No-Brainer"...






NOTE: These will disappear 

After Friday Dec 3rd (or when the spots sell out)

BONUS #1: Messenger Script

My EXACT Messenger Script That We Have Used to Generate Over $350K in 9 Months With Organic Marketing.

Perfectly Paired with the PILOT conversion framework inside this workshop that will leave you having complete clarity and confidence within messenger conversations. 

Forget the 15-20+ post types you can use. There are 4 post types I use to pull in leads and sales at will.

If you're not using these, you're leaving money on the table. If you're using them at the "wrong time", you also harm future sales.

Blake will walk you through his own conversations with prospects, from start to closed sale. 

You'll be able to see the whole process, from generating a lead to having them ready to take out their credit card, excited to invest. 


Blake’s exact replies to over 20 of the most common different messenger conversation scenarios that most people get stuck on, to help you convert more leads into sales and never feel stuck wondering what to say next in a conversation ($195 Value)

Large Call to Action Headline

Along with getting a complete copy of this map, we walk you through step by step, the process behind creating an ecosystem that moves prospects to becoming raving fans & buyers as you sleep. 

From adding a new member to your audience to landing a high ticket sale. To an individual breakdown of the 4 post types that move prospects on demand. This visual map illustrates every step of the process. 

Get this down, and you can say goodbye to cold messaging for good while confidently and predictably growing your business on auto-pilot.

This method and map alone is worth the price of admission in this workshop. 

After closing over $100k in sales through messenger & reviewing thousands of messenger convos in the last 18 months…

I’ve found 3 conversion signals telling you exactly what you need to do next to close the sale.

Once you understand these 3 signals, you will walk away with a complete understanding of how and went to present offers in messenger without burning leads and being spammy. 

BONUS #6: Unleashed Offer Workbook   

Offer Creation is all about giving your audience the right invitation and guiding them through the perfect path to success. 

If you don’t craft the right invitation, there won’t be any demand for your work. You’ll have an audience that’s semi-interested in what you do—but not interested enough to hand over their credit card and trust you with solving their biggest problem

It’s the “secret ingredient” that makes your work un-copy-able (yes, we’re making up words here) and highly attractive to your ideal clients. 

Inside Post To Close 2.0, we have you covered with all of this so you can confidently craft an offer that your ideal clients are starving for.

Along with showing you my exact 3-step framework to present your offer to prospects and get more "I'm In" responses. 

Join us on this Golden Birthday offer & you'll also get a seat on a live implementation call with Blake & his "Copy & Content" coach Todd Foster.

This will be a catalyst for you to take the training and IMPLEMENT it quickly. Solidify your understanding and discover the fastest route to make Post to Close work for you.

Come along with your questions & get insights and feedback that is normally only given inside my flagship 6FA program. 

Most training purchased ends up gathering "digital dust" and never gets implemented. 

NOT HERE. We've got your back.

This will be worth the admission cost alone.

Who better to have a live implementation call with than Blake himself!

Unlike most other courses, this LIVE implementation call will allow Blake to walk you through the "heartbeat" of his business that is "Post to Close." 

Post to Close has helped Blake make over $600k in the past 2 years alone. 

On this call, Blake will explain exactly how he uses this method daily so you can make the most of the training and attract & close clients easier than you would believe is possible.

This is GOLD!

Get ready for a massive breakthrough when you grab this special Golden Birthday BONUS opportunity.

A copy of one of my favorite books.

I'm going to ship you a physical copy of "Magnetic Marketing" by Dan Kennedy. 

How to attract a flood of new customers that PAY, STAY and REFER.

If you already have this book or have read it before, no sweat. I will send you one of my top 10 favorites that you haven't read yet instead. 

Here's A Recap Of Exactly 

What You Get TODAY:

Here's A Recap Of Exactly What You Get TODAY:

  • Post-To-Close 2 Day Workshop ($2,497 Value
  • ​6-Figure Messenger Monetization Method ($997 Value)
  • Free Money Followup Formula ($197 Value)
  • ​6-Figure Sales Call Framework ($497 Value)
  • ​Private FB Group Support Group ($497 Value)
  • ​​PILOT Messenger Method ($597 Value
  • ​Unleashed Offer Workbook ($297 Value
  • ​6-Figure Organic Ecosystem Map ($197 Value
  • ​​Facebook Live Training Monetization Method ($97 Value)
  • ​Blake's Weekly Content Rotation Cheat Sheet ($97 Value
  • ​​'6-Figure Predictor' KPI & Sales Predictions Tracker Sheet ($297 Value

Total Value: $6,267

Ready To See How It Works...?

Think about it like this...

Every time you interact on social media...

Liking, commenting, sharing, posting…

You’re generating rich, organic traffic straight back to your profile page (whether you realize it or not)!  

And if your profile isn’t optimized to capture & convert that traffic...

Then you’re missing out on FREE Leads & Sales with each passing second...

(that you didn’t even know existed!)

I Created The Social Sales Machine To Turn Likes & Hearts Into A

Consistent Stream Of New Leads and Sales For Your Business!

Perfect for Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn And More!

3 Simple Steps To Generate New Leads & Sales Organically On Autopilot!


 Deploy our 4 power post money frameworks simple that enable you to predictably generate leads ON DEMAND. 


Turn conversations into pre-sold sales opportunities in as little as 5 messages or LESS with out "Post To Close" Script 

& P.I.L.O.T. Messenger Framework


Dynamically close high ticket sales on AUTO PILOT with my signature P.I.L.O.T. Messenger Framework 

  Still On The Fence?

The "Post to Close" process I'm teaching in this workshop is the heartbeat of my multi 6 figure business.

If you come along to the workshop and implement the process, you'll move the needle in ways you've DREAMED about

It's the difference between the need to "hustle and grind"...

Versus deploying a strategic process that leads to predictable growth.

So now you've gotta decide:

1) Do you keep doing what you've been doing (with similar results)...


2) JUMP IN TODAY and discover how my system can overhaul your business FAST?

Seem an obvious choice to me, but...

The choice is yours.

Ready? Get Started TODAY!

Only 15 Spots Available (LAST FEW SPOTS!)




Does What I Teach Really Work?

Don't Take My Word, See It For Yourself...

Ready? Get Started TODAY!

Ready? Get Started TODAY!

This is the Fastest... Easiest... Most “Beginner Friendly” Way To Start & Grow Your Business Online TODAY!

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Fontana Digital LLC © 2021. All Rights Reserved